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Investment Information

SIPA does not provide financial advice.

Links are provided to the following websites that provide information for investors. You should not act or rely upon any information on these sites without seeking the advice of a professional advisor.

SIPA does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of information contained in any of these websites. Opinions expressed in other websites are not the opinions of SIPA. 

Canadian MoneySaver -  Investing and personal finance magazine. 

Cannex - Cannex compiles comparative information on financial products. - Michel Leder provides insight on SEC filings.

Mutual Fund Observer - View of the mutual fund industry.

Getting Technical - A technical approach to investing by Bill Carrigan. 

Globe Investor - Offers market information plus Globe and Mail & Reuters news. - Offers market information, investment news, tools, & more.

Motley Fool - Educate/Amuse/Enrich. Offers advice & portfolio tracking.

Quicken - Investing, taxes, retirement planning, portfolio tracking & more.

Morningstar - Mutual Fund information, ratings, etc. for investors.

SEDAR - Provides public company information for investors. - Offers free news, company information, quotes, charts, etc. - Offers free investment news, quotes, etc.